About Me

I started my love for cooking in college while studying Psychology at the University of Michigan. After I graduated, I attended Peter Kump's New York Cooking School, now known as The Institute of Culinary Education. I worked in various NYC restaurants both as a pastry chef and line cook. My favorite job was as a sous chef for the former Bankers Trust private dining room located across the street from the fallen Twin Towers. Aside from a few egomaniac chefs I have encountered, the majority of the people who work in kitchens and restaurants are some of the nicest people I have ever met. After about 5 years in the industry, I left to obtain a web development certification. I should have gone to work for the Food Network, but I had already accepted a job when they called me for an interview. Oh how I kick myself for that mistake! Life could be very different for me now if I had gone that route, but one can never really surmise what could have been. Even though I no longer cooked professionally, I still continued to cook...everyone has to eat, right?!  I find that these days with the prominence of the web and the plethora of food blogs and sites, sharing recipes and inspiration is so easy and readily available. There is no reason someone cannot make delicious food. It is my hope that this blog will inspire me and others to cook, bake and get our hands dirty while trying to find the best recipes.