Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pignoli Cookies

Pignoli Cookies

When I was growing up I loved my Italian babysitter who lived downstairs from us. We called her Auntie Pecunia but in reality she was old enough to be my grandmother. She treated us as her own family and I believe loved us in kind. I remember sitting at the dining table and grating Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese with a wooden box grater - it looked similar to this. She was a great cook and the aromas from her kitchen were wonderful. Oh how I wish she were still around so I could cook with her. I am sure she would have passed down some awesome Old World Italian recipes.

I made Pignoli cookies today, but they were missing something. They were good, but I kept thinking not authentic. I love pignoli and Italian butter cookies, but still have yet to recreate versions that satisfy me. If only I could find someone to share their family heirloom recipes. Auntie Pecunia went back to Italy when I was in second or third grade and I remember crying when I found out she was leaving. It's amazing to me that over 30 years later these memories are still vivid. I suppose you never forget the people you love and carry them with you forever.

Honey, Almond Paste, Confectioners Sugar and Egg Whites

Pignoli Cookie Batter

Backside of the cookie

Pignoli Cookie Recipe from


  1. Yay! You're probably the first. Thanks for the tip, so far has been much more reliable.

  2. I was about to suggest pignoli cookies so I can drool over the pics. :)
